Weather Cancellations/Cancellations

Cancellations due to Weather/Emergency Closing:

  • If public schools are closed, GCE classes are automatically canceled.
  • If public schools have a delayed opening, afternoon and evening classes are held, unless announced otherwise on WGCH 1490 or on GCE voicemail at 203-625-7474 or 625-7403
  • Missed classes are made up either at the end of the schedule or at the discretion of the instructor and class.

Cancellations due to Staff Absence:

  • If an instructor is unable to teach due to illness, personal reasons, etc., participants will be informed through email.  All missed classes are made up either at the end of the semester or at the discretion of the instructor and class. 


Greenwich Adult &
Continuing Education

Havemeyer Building
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

(203) 625.7474
(203) 625.7403