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Welcome to our Spring 2025 semester! 

Greenwich Adult and Continuing Education Program offers online courses in addition to our traditional courses. As  always traditional learning is face to face, friendly and nearby.   Visit 

We have the classes you asked for, plus some new ones we hope will interest you. Tell us about the course you would like to take. Share your expertise with your community.  If you have a hobby, skill or specialized knowledge, we invite you to suggest a class that you think would be creative, informative, and  interesting

We also offer English As A Second Language Classes. Las clases de inglés son gratuitas para adultos que viven o trabajan en Greenwich. Las clases tienen lugar los lunes y los miercoles empezando el 6 de enero de 2025 . Las clases de día son los lunes y miercoles de  9:30 a.m. hasta las 11:30 a.m., en Havemeyer Building, 290 Greenwich Avenue. Las clases de noche son los lunes y miércoles de las 6:30 p.m. hasta las 8:30 p.m. en Greenwich High School y de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m.,o  los lunes y miercoles o martes y jueves en la escuela Hamilton Avenue.   

We have FREE English classes for adults living or working in Greenwich. Learn to speak, read and write English in a program that focuses on speaking, writing, listening and reading.  Las clases son completamente gratis.  

Whether you want to learn a language for travel, work, or for the pleasure of exploring another culture, we offer classes in Italian and Spanish.  Learn to find your way around on the guitar in the company of others who are just starting their own musical journey on this beautiful instrument. Belly Dance:  The Secret Desire Aszmara Unleash your inner Diva and connect with your Feminine Nature. The movements of this beautiful art form give you a safe whole body workout without strain to joints and muscles. Learn the specialized techniques as we build body strength, improve posture and body awareness while having fun dancing. Bridge 1 Beginner  will teach the basics of bidding and play of hands. Instructive handouts will be distributed to assist you in this process. Join us and meet new friends as you learn the basics of this fascinating and challenging game. Bridge provides a good opportunity to create an active social life.Registration for Continuing Education classes begin on January 6, 2025.  Please view our Spring Catalog at  Most classes begin the first week in March.  

Our online courses start at are affordable, and effective. Take our online courses from the comfort of your home or office at the times that are most convenient for you Our instructorfacilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners.Greenwich Adult Continuing Education Program is looking for enthusiastic and knowledgeable people to teach eager adult learners. If you would like to teach any of the following, or would like to propose a new course, please email Braulio Santiago at  No certification required. 

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Greenwich Adult &
Continuing Education

Havemeyer Building
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830

(203) 625.7474
(203) 625.7403