Adult & Continuing Education

Fall 2024 Course Catalog

Mahjong Club 28755A

The Mahjong community awaits you! Meet and play with other classic Chinese Mahjong enthusiasts on a weekly basis. You have learned the Pong, Chow, Kong; and now let's continue to sharpen your game. Have fun and play it like they do in the movies (like Crazy Rich Asians) without any need of annual rule card. Both fast pacing "Chicken Hands" and the more challenging "3 Faans and Above Hands" ae played at the club. Our instructor, Jackie Moy, will continue to support and guide you through your games. During each meet, your score will be tallied up and added to the "Final Tournaent" at the end of the Fall session. Play it relaxingly or competitively, come join the Mahjong Club!

no class on 4/18

Sessions:  10
Dates:  2/29/2024 to 5/9/2024
Meeting Time:  Thursday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Instructor:  Jackie Moy
$195.00   (Class Fee)
9 Seats Available
How many people will be participating?

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